Can we initiate an encounter?

Yes we can

Can we initiate an encounter? I often talk about encounters, and for much of my life - perhaps yours too - I thought an encounter happened when God entered the room when He made His presence known. We'd beg and plead for Him to join our service, but oddly enough, we don't think that way in our personal moments. We expect to meet Him alone in our secret place, yet we lose faith for that, in our larger gatherings.

Take the woman with the issue of blood as an example. She wanted to connect with Jesus, saw Him passing by, and reached out to touch the hem of His garment. Instantly, He knew power had left Him, and someone had interrupted His flow. (pardon the pun) He turned, found her, and blessed her. But it was she who initiated the encounter.

Consider the friends who lowered their paralyzed friend through a roof to be closer to Jesus. They initiated an encounter for their friend.

So maybe we can spark an encounter. Perhaps we can interrupt Jesus and grab His attention. It's easy to try this when we are alone, and I encourage us all to do just that. He's faithful to meet us where we are. Next, try it in a room full of people. Whisper to your Friend.

Paul says in Romans 15:39 that he promises to bring the fullness of the blessing of Christ's when he visits. Oh, if only we could say that to our churches - “ Church this weekend, when I lead worship, I promise to bring the fullness of the blessing of Christ with me.”

”I am convinced that when I come to you, I will come packed full and loaded with the blessings of the Anointed One!“

Can we initiate an encounter? I think so! Why not? He says to come before Him boldly… we don’t have to wait for Him to ask or for Him to visit us. We can reach out to Him and experience His presence not just individually but also in our gatherings.

“Whether we felt God’s presence is not the only question at hand, but also, “Did You feel ours today? Encounters can begin both ways… there is a handle on both sides of the door.

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